Friday, November 18, 2011

Paying My Respects

It occurred to me somewhere on the train ride from Atlanta to Indianapolis that I hadn't really expressed how much Atlanta means to me. So this is my attempt to let all the people that I grew to think of as family how much my time in the ATL has meant to me and changed me.

When I first came to Atlanta in the early 90s I was looking for warmer weather and a more tolerant environment. I was a broken, depressed and quite dysfunctional person. I tried my hand at writing, ended up working at Junkman's Daughter and making Little Five Points my adopted home. I would move in and out of the L5P scene throughout the years. It remained until my last day there a vital part of my life in Atlanta. In Atlanta I found my musical voice, picked up a camera and taught myself photography, and ultimately turned the darkness within me to a luminescence that changed everything.

I had a very rich and diverse life in the ATL. played computer tech, musician, photographer, mystic, healer, magician, father and friend. I had some great geek times, wonderful times playing music, did some cool art shows and ultimately figured out what Buddha lied under this skin. I would say that the most amazing thing that happened to me in the dirty south was the deep friendships that I enjoyed.

There are far to many people to mention. I hope you all know how much I truly love you and feel so amazingly blessed to have crossed your paths. It has been a great great honor to be called friend by so many wonderful, creative, interesting and thoughtful people. More amazing was my opportunity to play father to one of the most amazing human beings I have ever met. It is my hope that at another time in another place my little Buddha will seek me out and we can continue on our journey. Maybe not as father and son, but of human and human.

In Atlanta, I did some art, taught a few things, learned a lot of things. started a fraternal order, did some music, played a lot, learned about compassion, learned how to live in joy, gave up my anger, quit smoking, chanted a lot, walked a lot, loved a lot, talked a lot and seen first hand the power of kindness.

All my love Atlanta, see ya next year.

Love the Photo-Monk


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