Anyone that even briefly looks at my photography will figure out that I have a deep fascination with churches and temples of all sorts. The fascination goes so much deeper than just the structures. I am very curious about mans' pursuit of spirituality and God.
I myself am very much a spiritual seeker, hence the name Photo-Monk. I have sought spiritual truths in many forms for the bulk of my life. So I find it hard to pass a church or temple without looking at it in awe. I am always looking for a sign of the inspiration behind the building and a clue to the practices inside. I find it quite interesting when peoples belief manifests themselves in a building, act, cause and so on. In many ways that is at the heart of the Photo-Monk project. An artistic and spiritual pilgrimage. Not in order to convert or preach to anyone about anything. More in an effort to commune with everyone and learn.
The thought had accord to me to visit many different churches on my travels. The chance to sit with practitioners of many different faiths in many different places appeals to me. I have to ask of course if they would welcome the experience as much as I would. Some I am sure would not be to thrilled with having this strange backpacking artist sitting amongst them, others I'm sure would love the opportunity to hear of my adventures. At any rate, you can bet I will give it a try.
So if you see a wondering Photo-Monk in your town, invite him to Church with you. I bet you will be surprised at his enthusiastic reply. I believe as long as we all travel in the same general direction, in my case loving kindness. We will all arrive at the same place no matter how wondering our road may be. This is at the heart of my curiosity. I seek only to learn of others paths, not to judge them.
Caleb Storms
The Photo-Monk
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