Monday, October 10, 2011


I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have heard "Everything happens for a reason". I used to really believe that, and I guess from a purely physics level I still do. I mean if I drop something it falls, so reason dictates that it fell for the reason of being dropped. To take this to the next level however and say that there is this hand of fate, or divine intelligence that has a great master plan for us. That is the part I have trouble with at this point in my life.

Though out my life and my spiritual pursuits I have seen things and experienced synchronicity fare beyond what I could call normal. Because of this I cannot deny that there is some "force" leading us to "something". What this force was and were it was leading me seemed part of the big mystery. So when someone would say "Everything happens for a reason" it would go into that category in my mind. That possibility that lay just outside of my understanding.

Now I see things a bit differently for several reasons. The biggest reason has to do with what I have discovered about the nature of suffering. People suffer and so they inflict that suffering on others, the only reason I can find for this is to escape their own suffering. I see no divine plan here, only sentient beings trying to escape the pains of this mortal coil. So if i am heading in a certain direction and someone else is speeding ahead, trying to outrun their own suffering and slam into me, it alters my course. Many would then say "It happened for a reason". I would say that the reason was suffering.

So what is fate? What is that force that keeps us toward some mystic, incomprehensible goal? I look at pure natural physics for the answer. If you look at a stream making its way to the ocean it tells our story. The ocean is that great unknowable divine goal. We are the stream trying to make our way there. We do not know why we wind and bend and zig and zag. However if you look at the whole path of the stream you will see. It always finds its way around obstacles and heads toward the ocean. That is us, and as the Taoists would say, "The reed that bends with the stream does not break". So we find if we go with the flow and enjoy the ride we find peace. We do not suffer as much and so do not slam into the others riding this stream.

Perhaps one day we will figure all this out and build a boat in which we can all return to the ocean.

The Photo Monk.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Go On Down the Tracks

It has been awhile since I posted and that is mainly due to the big changes that have been happening in the Photo-Monk's life.

After I was mugged I worked very hard trying to overcome the fear that came in the aftermath of the mugging. I am normally not the kind of person that gets freaked out about much of anything. However, something about getting mugged during daylight messed with my head. That is not good for someone that plans to walk across the country. I forced myself to walk however, trying to undue the damage done by a couple of thugs. Then the call came.

My brother called me and said point blank he didn't want me to do the walk, that it frightened him. This was a big deal for me because my brother is much more practical than me. He had also been a big supporter of the walk. More that all that, we didn't have "that kind" of relationship. My brother and I had a very strained relationship that we had built on to become closer than we ever had been. So if meant a great deal to me that had called and voiced his concern. I at first told him that I had to do this. I couldn't let my people down or myself down. But the seed was planted that I could do other things as the photo-monk that perhaps now was not the best time for a lone monk to be wondering America.

More surprises lay in store for me. As I talked about this odd phone call with my friends I could see them almost physically holding their breath as I thought about it. It started to sink in that not only my brother, but many people were extremely concerned about my walk. So i decided to test this out and mentioned to a few people that I was going to change my plans and not do the walk. To my surprise several breathed a sigh of relief saying that had a "bad feeling" about the walk, but wanted to support me anyway.

So I decided to take the Photo-Monk in a different direction. I want to focus more on the philanthropic art aspect of the project. What that means is still in development. This much is for sure, I am moving back up north to be closer to family, out of the big city. Next I am going to hatch some plan, hopefully with the help of my business minded brother on how to really do some good in this world with art.

So stay tuned to this blog for further developments. Thank you all for your on going support.

The Photo-Monk